Human Rights Commissioner on the Sternsingers’ project for Cambodia
Markus Löning, Federal Government Commissioner for Human Rights Policy and Humanitarian Aid, is to welcome “Sternsinger” children to the Federal Foreign Office in the Atrium at 1.00 p.m. on Monday (10 January). The Sternsinger are part of the Pontifical Society of the Missionary Childhood. Donations for children in Cambodia will be collected during their performance.
Mr Löning issued the following statement today (7 January) about his upcoming meeting with the young Sternsinger and their support for children in Cambodia:
“The Sternsingers’ commitment to Cambodia is based on their active concern for children in an impoverished, post-war country. Cambodia is currently going through a difficult phase. The effects of the Khmer Rouge dictatorship and the years of armed conflict are still felt today, especially by young people. The projects supported by the Sternsinger help children build a life in dignity. This fundraising drive therefore also has my full personal backing.”